Stage design for Olmeulmad
“Olmeulmad: Sanctum textum*” on kaasaegse keha palverännak igavikku. Läbi puudutuste ja vahetu ühisolemise vormub neljast nomaadist elav ja hingav pühakude, mis ilmub erinevatel aegadel ja erinevates ruumides, igas kohas vaid korra. Olmeulmad: Sanctum textum* *Pühakude Autorid/esitajad: Raho Aadla, Age Linkmann,

Stage design for Olmeulmad
“Olmeulmad: Sanctum textum*” on kaasaegse keha palverännak igavikku. Läbi puudutuste ja vahetu ühisolemise vormub neljast nomaadist elav ja hingav pühakude, mis ilmub erinevatel aegadel ja erinevates ruumides, igas kohas vaid korra. Olmeulmad: Sanctum textum* *Pühakude Autorid/esitajad: Raho Aadla, Age Linkmann,

Minkas – 100 custom designed plywood figures
Laste ja Noorte kultuuriaasta 2017 meened koolidesse Tellija: Eesti Lastekirjanduse Keskus Fotograaf : Rene Jakobson Disain: Sille Pihlak Projekteerija: Siim Tuksam

Minkas – 100 custom designed plywood figures
Laste ja Noorte kultuuriaasta 2017 meened koolidesse Tellija: Eesti Lastekirjanduse Keskus Fotograaf : Rene Jakobson Disain: Sille Pihlak Projekteerija: Siim Tuksam

EV100 urban installation competition Status: competition entry Function: civic Year: 2016 Location: European capitals Scale: 25 m2 Team: Eve Arpo, Sille Pihlak, Siim Tuksam, Taavi Tulev #commonplatform is a wooden public space installation designed by the public on an online platform. Estonian startups are known for creating

EV100 urban installation competition Status: competition entry Function: civic Year: 2016 Location: European capitals Scale: 25 m2 Team: Eve Arpo, Sille Pihlak, Siim Tuksam, Taavi Tulev #commonplatform is a wooden public space installation designed by the public on an online platform. Estonian startups are known for creating

Design Pylon SOOREBANE
Elering High Voltage Pylon Design Competition. 1st Prize. Status: competition won Function: civic Year: 2016 Location: Risti, Estonia Scale: 40 m high Authors: Siim Tuksam, Sille Pihlak (PART.archi) Engineers: BOLLINGER + GROHMANN The 40 m high wooden pylon takes inspiration from Norwegian timber bridges. The structure

Design Pylon SOOREBANE
Elering High Voltage Pylon Design Competition. 1st Prize. Status: competition won Function: civic Year: 2016 Location: Risti, Estonia Scale: 40 m high Authors: Siim Tuksam, Sille Pihlak (PART.archi) Engineers: BOLLINGER + GROHMANN The 40 m high wooden pylon takes inspiration from Norwegian timber bridges. The structure

installation Soundwave II – Portal
Tallinn Music Week City Stage at Nunne 16 In collaboration with 2nd year students from the Interior Architecture department at the Estonian Academy of Arts. Status: complete Function: civic Year: 2016 Location: Nunne 16, Tallinn, Estonia Scale: 50 m2 Team:

installation Soundwave II – Portal
Tallinn Music Week City Stage at Nunne 16 In collaboration with 2nd year students from the Interior Architecture department at the Estonian Academy of Arts. Status: complete Function: civic Year: 2016 Location: Nunne 16, Tallinn, Estonia Scale: 50 m2 Team:

Studio AL3: Organised Chaos
[organised chaos] – Studies of Form Estonian Academy of Arts Faculty of Architecture III year students Fall 2015 Instructors: Siim Tuksam, Sille Pihlak Selected student work by Mihkel Räni Raev, Ivo Heinrich Arro, Mirell Nõmm, Anna Liisa Saavaste, Aliis Mehide.

Studio AL3: Organised Chaos
[organised chaos] – Studies of Form Estonian Academy of Arts Faculty of Architecture III year students Fall 2015 Instructors: Siim Tuksam, Sille Pihlak Selected student work by Mihkel Räni Raev, Ivo Heinrich Arro, Mirell Nõmm, Anna Liisa Saavaste, Aliis Mehide.

Studio MMa2: Body
Redefining the body and the object Fashion department at the Estonian Academy of Arts Fall 2015 Tutors: Kärt Ojavee, Marit Ahven, Sille Pihlak Students: Kairi Katmann, Britta Liisa Brutus, Aleksandra Ehte, Kadi Adrikorn, Anželika Mändmaa, Barbara Krmelj, Olga Rattik, Kätlin Tauts, Birgit Saviauk Photos by Henno Luts

Studio MMa2: Body
Redefining the body and the object Fashion department at the Estonian Academy of Arts Fall 2015 Tutors: Kärt Ojavee, Marit Ahven, Sille Pihlak Students: Kairi Katmann, Britta Liisa Brutus, Aleksandra Ehte, Kadi Adrikorn, Anželika Mändmaa, Barbara Krmelj, Olga Rattik, Kätlin Tauts, Birgit Saviauk Photos by Henno Luts

Studio BSA2: Body
Redefining the body and the object Interior Architecture department at the Estonian Academy of Arts Fall 2015 Students: Mariann Drell, Ardo Hiiuväin, Lennart Lind, Henri Kaarel Luht, Andrea Miku, Mariette Nõmm, Johanna Sepp, Kertti Soots, Sabine Suuster, Teele Tomson, Birgit Õigus

Studio BSA2: Body
Redefining the body and the object Interior Architecture department at the Estonian Academy of Arts Fall 2015 Students: Mariann Drell, Ardo Hiiuväin, Lennart Lind, Henri Kaarel Luht, Andrea Miku, Mariette Nõmm, Johanna Sepp, Kertti Soots, Sabine Suuster, Teele Tomson, Birgit Õigus

Studio BSA1: Prototyping shadows
Digital techniques I Interior Architecture department at the Estonian Academy of Arts. Spring 2016 Students: Marie-Elise Chabbra, Aadam Kaarma, Karolin Kaup, Heleri Koltšin, Janne-Eliise Kond, Anna-Grete Konsap, Anni Kotov, Martin Kukk, Helena Leif, Mirell Pärn, Elise Roos, Helga Aliis Saarlen,

Studio BSA1: Prototyping shadows
Digital techniques I Interior Architecture department at the Estonian Academy of Arts. Spring 2016 Students: Marie-Elise Chabbra, Aadam Kaarma, Karolin Kaup, Heleri Koltšin, Janne-Eliise Kond, Anna-Grete Konsap, Anni Kotov, Martin Kukk, Helena Leif, Mirell Pärn, Elise Roos, Helga Aliis Saarlen,

installation Soundwave I – Stage
Tallinn Music Week City Stage at Musumägi In collaboration with 2nd year students from the Interior Architecture department at the Estonian Academy of Arts. Status: complete Function: civic Year: 2016 Location: Musumägi, Tallinn, Estonia Scale: 50 m2 Team: Mariann Drell,

installation Soundwave I – Stage
Tallinn Music Week City Stage at Musumägi In collaboration with 2nd year students from the Interior Architecture department at the Estonian Academy of Arts. Status: complete Function: civic Year: 2016 Location: Musumägi, Tallinn, Estonia Scale: 50 m2 Team: Mariann Drell,

installation SoundWave III – Gallery
Tallinn Music Week City Stage at Telliskivi Loomelinnak In collaboration with 2nd year students from the Interior Architecture department at the Estonian Academy of Arts. Status: complete Function: civic Year: 2016 Location: Telliskivi väljak, Tallinn, Estonia Scale:

installation SoundWave III – Gallery
Tallinn Music Week City Stage at Telliskivi Loomelinnak In collaboration with 2nd year students from the Interior Architecture department at the Estonian Academy of Arts. Status: complete Function: civic Year: 2016 Location: Telliskivi väljak, Tallinn, Estonia Scale:

Body Building exhibition
Tallinn Architecture Biennale 2015 main exhibition. co-curated with Siim Tuksam (PART). participants: Tom Wiscombe Architecture, Kokkugia / Roland Snooks, REX|LAB / Marjan Colletti, Kadri Tamre, ISSSStudio / Igor Siddiqui, Julia Körner, Carlo Ratti Associati, nformations, City Form Lab / Andres Sevtšuk, Raul Kalvo and ICD+ITKE / Achim Menges,

Body Building exhibition
Tallinn Architecture Biennale 2015 main exhibition. co-curated with Siim Tuksam (PART). participants: Tom Wiscombe Architecture, Kokkugia / Roland Snooks, REX|LAB / Marjan Colletti, Kadri Tamre, ISSSStudio / Igor Siddiqui, Julia Körner, Carlo Ratti Associati, nformations, City Form Lab / Andres Sevtšuk, Raul Kalvo and ICD+ITKE / Achim Menges,

Body Building publication
co-editor with Siim Tuksam & Reedik Poopu. Includes writings from Atelier Bruno Juricic, Tom Wiscombe Architecture, Kokkugia / Roland Snooks, REX|LAB / Marjan Colletti, Kadri Tamre, ISSSStudio / Igor Siddiqui, Julia Körner, Carlo Ratti Associati, nformations, City Form Lab / Andres Sevtšuk, Raul Kalvo and ICD+ITKE / Achim Menges, Moritz

Body Building publication
co-editor with Siim Tuksam & Reedik Poopu. Includes writings from Atelier Bruno Juricic, Tom Wiscombe Architecture, Kokkugia / Roland Snooks, REX|LAB / Marjan Colletti, Kadri Tamre, ISSSStudio / Igor Siddiqui, Julia Körner, Carlo Ratti Associati, nformations, City Form Lab / Andres Sevtšuk, Raul Kalvo and ICD+ITKE / Achim Menges, Moritz

SuperMinistry competition entry
with PART – Siim Tuksam, Artur Stashkevitsh, Kirke Päss and Jüri Nigulas

SuperMinistry competition entry
with PART – Siim Tuksam, Artur Stashkevitsh, Kirke Päss and Jüri Nigulas

interview: “Kings or Slaves of Architecture”
interview with Eric de Broche des Combes (Luxigon) at cultural newspaper SIRP © luxigon

interview: “Kings or Slaves of Architecture”
interview with Eric de Broche des Combes (Luxigon) at cultural newspaper SIRP © luxigon

article: Eesti arhitektuuri caffè latte
article in cultural newspaper SIRP 27.02.2015 photo Madis Ligema http://www.sirp.ee/s1-artiklid/arhitektuur/eesti-arhitektuuri-caffe-latte/ Üheksakümnedate lõpus said meie maitsemeeled tundma midagi uut ja luksuslikku – piimavahuga kohv – mis erines märgatavalt filtreeritud ja ebakvaliteetsel toorainel põhinenud innustusjoogist. Esimest korda

article: Eesti arhitektuuri caffè latte
article in cultural newspaper SIRP 27.02.2015 photo Madis Ligema http://www.sirp.ee/s1-artiklid/arhitektuur/eesti-arhitektuuri-caffe-latte/ Üheksakümnedate lõpus said meie maitsemeeled tundma midagi uut ja luksuslikku – piimavahuga kohv – mis erines märgatavalt filtreeritud ja ebakvaliteetsel toorainel põhinenud innustusjoogist. Esimest korda

Thesis “HyperveloCity” -a cultural cluster in LA downtown
thesis supervisor : Hani Rashid assistants : Reiner Zettl, Sophie Luger, Sophie Grell team : Rupert Zallmann, Adam Orlinski, Damjan Minovski, Viki Sandor, Quirin Krumbholz, Lea Dietiker, Florian Fend, Marte Ringseth Helgeland, Kaveh Najafian, Irakli Itonishvil, model photos: Reiner Zettl

Thesis “HyperveloCity” -a cultural cluster in LA downtown
thesis supervisor : Hani Rashid assistants : Reiner Zettl, Sophie Luger, Sophie Grell team : Rupert Zallmann, Adam Orlinski, Damjan Minovski, Viki Sandor, Quirin Krumbholz, Lea Dietiker, Florian Fend, Marte Ringseth Helgeland, Kaveh Najafian, Irakli Itonishvil, model photos: Reiner Zettl
“SilkCity” Deep Futures WS2011/12
Studio Hani Rashid; Supervisor: Hani Rashid, Assistants: Reiner Zettl, Sophie Luger, Anja Jonkans, Jöerg Hugo, masterplanning with: Johan Tali, Robert Vierlinger model photos:Reiner Zettl @Angewandte Wien
“SilkCity” Deep Futures WS2011/12
Studio Hani Rashid; Supervisor: Hani Rashid, Assistants: Reiner Zettl, Sophie Luger, Anja Jonkans, Jöerg Hugo, masterplanning with: Johan Tali, Robert Vierlinger model photos:Reiner Zettl @Angewandte Wien
the “Future City” competition in Graz, joint I prize
Energy Design seminar professor: Brian Cody, assistant: Bernhard Sommer, with: Maximin RIEDER, Siim Tuksam @Angewandte Wien
the “Future City” competition in Graz, joint I prize
Energy Design seminar professor: Brian Cody, assistant: Bernhard Sommer, with: Maximin RIEDER, Siim Tuksam @Angewandte Wien

“Dystopian Species” Xlab WS SCI-Arc 2010
Hernan Diaz Alonso / Studio Benjamin Bratton / Seminar Nick Kenney / Teaching Assistant SCI_Arc, Fall 2010 The official future is dystopian: a world of emergencies layered one on top of another (ecological, geopolitical, biopolitical, theo-political). Architecture offers multiple projective

“Dystopian Species” Xlab WS SCI-Arc 2010
Hernan Diaz Alonso / Studio Benjamin Bratton / Seminar Nick Kenney / Teaching Assistant SCI_Arc, Fall 2010 The official future is dystopian: a world of emergencies layered one on top of another (ecological, geopolitical, biopolitical, theo-political). Architecture offers multiple projective

Music Center Taipei_(d)effect_”Kinetic Expose” SS2010
Studio Prix professor:Wolf D. Prix , studio assistants:Reiner Zettl, Niels Jonkhans with:Florian Fend and Markus Willeke @Angewandte Wien We were focused to dissolve a conventional highrise tower by creating continues surface with new neoteric spacial values. outer appearance visualises inner movement

Music Center Taipei_(d)effect_”Kinetic Expose” SS2010
Studio Prix professor:Wolf D. Prix , studio assistants:Reiner Zettl, Niels Jonkhans with:Florian Fend and Markus Willeke @Angewandte Wien We were focused to dissolve a conventional highrise tower by creating continues surface with new neoteric spacial values. outer appearance visualises inner movement

“Turbulent tissue” neuroplasticity ,shoppingmall in Istanbul
supervisor W.D.Prix assistants :Reiner Zettl, Niels Jonkans with Philipp Reiner, Alex Haid, SS2008 @Angewandte Wien

“Turbulent tissue” neuroplasticity ,shoppingmall in Istanbul
supervisor W.D.Prix assistants :Reiner Zettl, Niels Jonkans with Philipp Reiner, Alex Haid, SS2008 @Angewandte Wien

“Arch Live Bar”, Editing 8 – design project
Seminar project . Editing 8. Instructor: Niels Jonkhans, with Dominik Strzelec, 2009@Angewandte Wien

“Arch Live Bar”, Editing 8 – design project
Seminar project . Editing 8. Instructor: Niels Jonkhans, with Dominik Strzelec, 2009@Angewandte Wien

Household Energy, Industrial design
the project was about improving the function of “everyday objects” by saving energy, innovating concepts with new power sources and replacing the energy-wasting factor totally by elastic behaviors both in regards to sourcing and usability. the final shape has resamblance

Household Energy, Industrial design
the project was about improving the function of “everyday objects” by saving energy, innovating concepts with new power sources and replacing the energy-wasting factor totally by elastic behaviors both in regards to sourcing and usability. the final shape has resamblance

“SpikecLoud” Highrise on Donauplatte Vienna
Studio Prix Supervisor :Wolf D.Prix Studio assistants: Niels Jonkhans, Reiner Zettel, SS2009 @Angewandte Wien

“SpikecLoud” Highrise on Donauplatte Vienna
Studio Prix Supervisor :Wolf D.Prix Studio assistants: Niels Jonkhans, Reiner Zettel, SS2009 @Angewandte Wien

Studio Extremes,research station “Geyser”
Studio Prix supervisor: Wold D. Prix , assistants: Reiner Zettl, Niels Jonkans, Sophie Grell, WS2008 @Angewandte The project deals with the notion of building in extreme environments. The functional focus of the buildings would be a SMALL RESEARCH STATION –

Studio Extremes,research station “Geyser”
Studio Prix supervisor: Wold D. Prix , assistants: Reiner Zettl, Niels Jonkans, Sophie Grell, WS2008 @Angewandte The project deals with the notion of building in extreme environments. The functional focus of the buildings would be a SMALL RESEARCH STATION –

Visual Art and Perfomance School campus in Egypt, near Cairo. the Wall
We make clean line between 2 environments. From emptiness a primitive is born. The primitive lies in the desert. It is a new settlement in nothingness. Monumental and sole. The wall to stop the sprawl. The desert sprawl, the urban

Visual Art and Perfomance School campus in Egypt, near Cairo. the Wall
We make clean line between 2 environments. From emptiness a primitive is born. The primitive lies in the desert. It is a new settlement in nothingness. Monumental and sole. The wall to stop the sprawl. The desert sprawl, the urban

The workshop explores the notions of registration, representation and transformation of architectural space through motion media such as film/video and digital animation techniques. Students will design architectural installations for specific locations throughout central Berlin. The installations will serve as media

The workshop explores the notions of registration, representation and transformation of architectural space through motion media such as film/video and digital animation techniques. Students will design architectural installations for specific locations throughout central Berlin. The installations will serve as media